XOXOXO (Treasures from the Vault)
June 9 - August 25, 2023
-Anya Janssen.
--De Schilderijencentrale (René Duinkerken).
---Ronald Anzenberger.
----Bas Zoontjens.
-----Chantal Breukers.
------Daniela Schwabe.
-------Christian Fierbinteanu.
---------Frans van Tartwijk.
----------Karin Kytökangas.
-----------Marie Civikov.
------------Ronald Nijhof.
-------------Peter Vos.
--------------Roosmarijn Schoonewelle.
---------------Jean-Philippe Paumier.
----------------Ton Kruse.
Dear art lovers,
We all need hugs and kisses, including the favourite artworks that have been stored in the studio for years.
In today's art world, much revolves around the Now, the Newest and the Hippest.
Not all work can be shown and unsold artworks go back to the studio.
There they remain like hidden jewels, waiting for a special occasion such as a retrospective exhibition.
The Heejsteck# will show works that are at least 10 years old in the exhibition XOXOXO (Treasures from the Vault).
More than 65 artworks were submitted for the open call (see attached film of the open call).
From these, we selected 16 artworks and curated a group exhibition.